Lifbåt 416 to England May 15th to May 23rd 2024
On May 15th, the journey to England for crew and Lifeboat 416 starts for participation in the celebration of the RNLIs (Royal National Lifeboat Institution) 200 year anniversary. The formation of the RNLI took place on March 4th 1824. We participate because Lifeboat 416 has its origins in this organization and is most likely the oldest seaworthy lifeboat of its class. The boat goes on a trailer via Hoek van Holland-Harwich and then to Poole where the RNLI has its headquarters. The crew will travel by plane.

Jonas Larsson hauling in Ängelholm, Sweden

Poole is marked with the red ring
We are twenty rowers who participate during the entire trip. A few more will connect during parts of the trip. From the airport, we take the cheapest means of transport, which is the bus. In Poole we have a few days to familiarize ourselves with the town before the boat arrives on Friday.
Program preliminary
Tuesday May 14th, boat transport departs from Skanör (Sweden).
Wednesday May 15th, crew arriving to Poole.
Thursday May 16th, getting to know Poole and planning the launch of the lifeboat etc.
Friday May 17th, boat transport arrives Poole, launch.
Saturday May 18th, preparations, exhibition 11 AM-4 PM.
Sunday May 19th, exhibition 11 AM-4 PM, rowing 3.30 PM.
Monday May 20th, transport to London, launch at South Dock Marina, Tavern Quay.
Tuesday May 21st, row to Limehouse Basin, ceremony with plaque.
Wednesday May 22nd, row back to South Dock Marina and visit Nunhead Cementary.
Thursday May 23rd, visit to RNLI Historic Lifeboat Collection in Chatham, return journey.
In Poole we will be moored in the Poole Quay Boat Haven together with other historic lifeboats where Lifeboat 416 is by far the oldest.

The area will be open to the public on Saturday and Sunday May 18th to May 19th and will finish with a parade of participating boats on Sunday. We will have the opportunity to tell more about ourselves in the Skanör-Falsterbo lifeboat rowing team and the history of the lifeboat.

After the visit in Poole we go to London on Monday for the launch of the lifeboat and a visit to the site where she was built in 1868 by Boatbuilder Messr. Forrestt & Son of Limehouse. The current and tides on the Thames do not make it easy to get there. It is important to row with the current both there and back, which means that we have limited times for rowing. We are in contact with the RNLI on the Thames and the Harbor Master for the best support. Once in Limehouse, we plan to set up a memory in the form of a bronze plaque telling about our visit.

Launching at the lower ring and rowing to the upper ring

The bronze plaque left in Limehouse

The place where the plaque is to be placed
We will also visit the grave where the donor of the lifeboat rests, James Gunston Chillingworth, in Nunhead Cemetery

As usual, the boat has been fitted out during the spring and, according to tradition, launched with pomp and circumstance on May 1st. The level of ambition has, however, been higher than normal, we must shine in England. We have put a lot of work into the blue stripper, which needed some love and care. Five large wood fillings have been made. Spare oars were needed, which have been taken from our large stock of oars in various dimensions and then adapted.
At the end of January this year, we had our annual meeting in our own clubhouse "Roddarhoddan" with formalities that ended with a grand dinner consisting of traditional Swedish food; root mash and rimmed beef brisket. No new rowers were brought in this year and we are now twenty-four active rowers and seven honorary rowers (retired).
We normally work with the boat on Saturday mornings from 9 AM during spring and autumn in the Lifeboat House in Skanörs harbour, welcome to drop in if you are passing by.
The number of supporting members now stands at two hundred and forty-nine, which we are very happy about.
We will keep you informed during the journey. Follow us on instagram for daily updates; Lifbat_416

Many thanks for your support of our England adventure May 15th - May 23nd
Jan Ankarcrona
Anders o Otto Aronsson
Magnus Bergström
Alexandra Blomberg Montgomery
Thomas Clapper
Anna Dinkelspiel
Rosanna o Carl-Erik Ehrenkrona
Falsterbo Museum
Marianne Gernandt Lundius
Jan Erik Haraldsson
Karin o Peter Jörgensen
Birgitta Linderot o Karin Hörnstedt
Viveka o Carl Löwenhielm
Anna o Christian Manhusen
Bodil Marcusson
Gunilla o Rui Matteu
P-O Nihlén
Göran Nilsson
Margareta o Lennart Nilsson
Anna Nordin
Lars Sjögren
Finin o Andreas Versteegh
Erik Wehtje
Elisabeth o Martin Wiven-Nilsson
Otto Wrangel
Vellinge Kommun
Göranssons Maskiner, Staffanstorp.
Ohlssons Avfallshantering, Landskrona.
OP System, Landskrona.

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